Thursday, April 28, 2016

Oral Cancer Screenings

Oral Cancer Screenings

According to The Oral Cancer Foundation, more than 48,000 people in the United States will receive a new oral cancer diagnoses in 2016. Men are twice more likely to get this type of cancer than women, reports the American Cancer Society. If you are concerned, our New Rock Dental, PC office in New Rochelle, NY can help.

Areas of the Mouth Oral Cancer Affects

Oral cancer develops in any part of your mouth including:
  • Gums
  • Lips
  • Inside cheeks
  • Tongue
  • Roof or floor of your mouth
How Oral Cancer Screenings Work

An essential part of your dental visit in our office is oral cancer screenings. Our New Rochelle, NY dentist Dr. Ovral Wynter, DDS pinpoints the beginning of this potential condition through our advanced modern technology. She treats this condition as early as possible so she can treat it before it becomes a serious irreversible problem. Dr. Wynter uses either an ultraviolet light or similar tool to view issues that she can't see by herself. Once she detects the condition, she performs an oral cancer procedure to treat it.

Dr. Wynter recommends you maintain healthy lifestyle choices, which can improve the overall health of your mouth and tissues. If you drink or smoke heavily, it's important you come into our office for regular screenings.

If you are concerned about oral cancer and would like to get a screening, give our New Rochelle, NY office a call at (914) 235-8065 to set up a consultation with Dr. Wynter. She will set you up with an oral cancer screening and discuss your options if you are diagnosed with it.